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How to Properly Document Your Travels for Posterity

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When you travel, you see and experience things that you want to keep with you forever. Unfortunately, memory is frail. In order to truly keep the experiences with you for years to come, you need to document your travels properly. This means using a wide variety of methods so that you capture the sights, sounds, and events of your trips. Doing this means you can share a more dynamic story with your friends and family and so that you can have a great capsule for later in life. Follow this guide to help you get started.

Travel planning


1. Take Professional Photographs

It doesn’t matter if you have an SLR or a DSLR, or are just using your phone’s camera – you should always aim to take professional-looking photos. This means taking care with the angles, framing, and trying to find the right subject so that your photos look stunning. Not only will this give you better quality photos to look at later, take the time and effort to shoot photos this way improves your visual memory of the place.

2. Take Video

Whether you are alone or with a friend, take lots of videos. If you are with a friend, have one of you aim to take photographs while the other one takes videos. Having clips, however, isn’t very nice, which means that once you’re back home, you’ll have to take the time and effort to edit the footage together so that you have a comprehensive video. If you believe your videos are great, consider posting them to YouTube and starting a channel – you might even become popular enough to travel full-time!

3. Make Mementos

Your friends want to share your experiences with you, and one of the best ways to do that is to send them mementos. You can use a postcard maker and send them bespoke and unique souvenirs from the places you go. If you have space and aren’t traveling for long periods of time, you should also buy them and yourself gifts. Stay clear of the gift shops though! Try to support local artists whenever you can.

4. Document Your Travels

Nothing will beat writing down your thoughts and your adventures down. With technology, you can now do this with a phone, a tablet, a computer, or even just with traditional pen and paper. Whatever you do, make sure you take the time to sit down and write about your day while it is still fresh in your mind. To truly make a great capsule for later, write about the whole journey once you have finished. That way you can see what events, sights, and experiences you had that truly had an impact on you.

Comprehensively documenting your travels is both fun and a great way to remember your travels. Be serious and committed to documenting your adventure fully, and you’ll be able to show your friends and family a great overview of your trip and have valuable keepsakes for years to come.